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July 28, 2005

Art of Science

Back at the AM they had a nifty Art of Science competition. Princeton, under the leadership of Shirley Tilghman (President) and Maria Klawe (Dean of Engineering) is working hard to integrate engineering into the mainstream of campus. This competition was part of that. There's some really cool images in the gallery, like this one of "Snow" or this one of "Hell".

(I learned of this because I was given a set of postcards by our friendly neighborhood Princeton Development person who was out in the area today. The Development office is in charge of fundraising and they like to keep in touch with alumni who might feel like tossing a few shares of stock their way. And if you are wondering where Princeton gets its money from, look at some of the pictures in this photo log by David Dobkin, former "Death Graphics" professor and CS department chair, now Dean of the Faculty. You've got Microsoft VPs, Amazon VPs (and above), some Google and Network Appliance people in there...and that's just one month.)

Posted by AdamBa at July 28, 2005 10:51 PM

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