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March 30, 2005

Insanity is Hereditary...

...you get it from your kids.

My son came home with the URL of a website that his friend had told him about. This has probably been around the Internet a hundred times, but I had never seen it before. Eek, there's a whole bunch of these things. Now aren't you glad they invented the Internet?

Posted by AdamBa at March 30, 2005 10:21 PM

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Never seen (or heard of) "Badger, badger, badger"? Man, where HAVE you been? That was one of the more entertaining memes last year. (I must confess to being a huge fan of Weebl and Bob.)

There was an amusing hack done at the O'Reilly shindig a while back -- someone went round relabelling all the rooms as "Badger" apart from one labelled "Mushroom" and another labelled "Snake".

Dammit, now I'm going to be singing that all day... :)

Posted by: Mat Hall at March 31, 2005 11:35 PM