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March 27, 2005

Bungie's New Home

Bungie, the game studio that makes Halo for Microsoft, is moving to some new digs in Kirkland.

The King County Journal article I linked to says their new office will be at 424 Kirkland Ave. It's the abandoned hardware store which is at the south end of the Kirkland Parkplace mall -- right next to the Kirkland Performance Center, and a couple of blocks from the Google office.

Kirkland is a more happening town than Redmond, with a waterfront and some good streetfront stores, but this is not the most happening part of Kirkland. The mall has a movie theater, 24 Hour Fitness, pretty good independent bookstore, Noah's Bagels, and TGI Friday's, but it's four blocks from the water (not that far, although it puts it on the far side of downtown Kirkland, which isn't that big). The place also doesn't have a view, it's lower than the road next to it. On the plus side, it's a block from the Kirkland Transit Center (and the city was actually considering building a transit center on the new Bungie site). And I'm sure once they get done gussying it up it will be very nice inside.

Posted by AdamBa at March 27, 2005 08:42 PM

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Sounds like a great place to get some work done actually.

Posted by: at March 28, 2005 03:50 AM

ARGH, nuked another comment, this time from "thesadone" (which looks sort of like the name of a drug at first glance):

"Though Kirkland is lovingly referred to as "Jerkland" by the locals, it is definitely more happenin' than Redmond. The waterfront is nice once summer kicks in, lots of er...attractive people tend to congregate there :). The TGIF's has happy hour every day till 7pm (as opposed to some cryptic weekday schedule) so even if you work late you can always grab a cheap drink or two in the evenings. Don't forget the Wingdome, Triple J's, Kirkland pub and all those other fun places down there...."

Posted by: Adam Barr at March 30, 2005 10:03 PM