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December 30, 2004

Mike Gunderloy Says Nice Things About "Find the Bug"

Mike Gunderloy, author of Coder to Developer (and many other books), has some nice things to say about Find the Bug at ADTmag.com.

Nice things like "I had fun working through the code looking for the silly things other people did" and "Go through these fifty exercises, and you'll be a better code reviewer".

I have not read Mike's book, but it looks interesting. The title reminds me of a progression of programming skill that I heard in college: stud, god, programmer, king. Hmmm, that may be the title of my next book. There's also The Pragmatic Programmer which talks about going from journeyman to master. Evidently there are many paths to coding nirvana.

Posted by AdamBa at December 30, 2004 11:19 AM

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I recently had to take a train journey to London for a dental appointment. On the way I read the Python chapter of your book.
Nokia have recently released a python interpreter for Series 60 phones, so I was able to try out a few examples on my Nokia 6600. I didn't have my bluetooth keyboard with me so it was a bit of a chore tapping in code using the numeric keypad, but I managed to try out a few things where I was not sure of the syntax.

It was my first experiance with Python so the introductory material came in handy. By the end of the journey I felt I had the basics of an understanding of the language to attempt something more ambitious in future.


Posted by: Edward at January 2, 2005 06:17 AM