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May 27, 2006
Microsoft Dining Services Upgrades
I was eating in Building 25 the other day and they had a flyer about some of the dining upgrades. Most of the cafeterias now serve lunch until 3:30, and a few are open for dinner until 6:30. This all started last Monday. In addition, some of the espresso stands are now offering "Dinner-to-Go" (which will expand in the summer with more offerings) and the convenience stores will open on July 19.Also, on June 5 we have the following to look forward to: "You'll love the flash in the flame-fired action as well as in the speed-of-service as our chefs bring razzle-dazzle and plenty of sizzle to each made-to-order entree". If they can cook better than they can write, this should be good.
The best part is the restaurants that are going to come cook lunch at Microsoft (every day, as far as I can tell). You've got Shamiana (Indian) in 25, Typhoon (Thai) in Sammamish C, Dixie's BBQ in 16, and Acapulco Fresh (Mexican) in 31. These are all excellent restaurants which I have frequented on multiple occasions, and I'm looking forward to meeting "The Man" just a hop/skip/jump from Building 21. It doesn't say when these are going to start, but I bet if you hurry you have time to polish up your resume and get hired in before the feastin' begins.
Posted by AdamBa at May 27, 2006 08:20 PM
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Do they still serve blibbet burgers?
Posted by: Deadprogrammer at May 28, 2006 06:02 AM
Good question. I recall the blibbet burger being served in the Building 5 cafeteria (this was back when Building 1 was healthy food, Building 4 was pizza, and Building 5 had a grill). At some point the Building 1 and 5 cafeterias were removed and then Building 4 cafeteria was expanded to take over a big chunk of the first floor, and included a grill, pizza, etc. all in one place like the other big cafeterias. I don't know if the blibbet burger survived the remodel. I have a vague memory that they also served it in Building 9, but I haven't been there in a long time.
- adam
Posted by: Adam Barr at May 28, 2006 10:58 AM