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February 09, 2006

Update to Microsoft Campus Plans

Microsoft has posted an updated map of its campus expansion plans. If you compare it to the ones discussed a year ago, they are planning to keep more of the current sportsfields. Compare the JPG linked to above with this map from last year. On the older map, see the two buildings (or parking structures) right under the words "N.E. 36th St.", and then the building just below those. They are gone from the updated map, which is nice. Other than that the plans look basically the same except that buildings 7 and 99 now appear to have real designs (and the same design for both, in fact -- see picture on the left). Also, the Safeco buildings west of 156th, as well as one of the smaller buildings in West Campus, have changed labels from non-Microsoft to Microsoft-owned or Microsoft-leased.

And the new highway overpass over 520 is still there. Here's a Q&A with some more links and details.

Posted by AdamBa at February 9, 2006 04:10 PM

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We're going to have a building 7 after all these years? Good to know before the interns show up :)

"But I DID go to building 7.."

Posted by: anonymouse at February 11, 2006 01:58 PM