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November 21, 2005

Xbox 360 Auctions

The Xbox 360 launches tomorrow, and because many retailers have sold out their initial allotment, there is a thriving market of people flipping their Xboxes the first day they get them. Seems like $600-$700 was the going rate for one of those on eBay.

It turns out that the winners of the Mountain Dew "Every 10 Minutes" contest got their systems a few days earlier, and the winners of the Hex 168 contest got theirs even earlier. So some people are auctioning off those, to arrive at the buyer's before the launch (or now, since the launch is tomorrow, here's one that sold for $1025 for delivery tomorrow). Looks like the Hex 168 ones (which gave you about 5 extra days of play) were getting around $1200 and the Mountain Dew ones (which gave you one or two extra days of play) were getting around $1000. But the market is drying up instantly as the pre-auctioned units hit the street; this guy currently has no bids for his early model.

Posted by AdamBa at November 21, 2005 11:14 AM

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Wow, the winning bid on one of these Xbox360's was $10100...

Posted by: Robert at November 22, 2005 10:12 AM