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May 26, 2005


From Scoble I got a link to Roland Piquepaille's link to an interview he did with Vincent Lauriat from Microsoft France [quick translation of the interview: WTF? Seemed like a good idea in 2002, took off in 2004. Hmm? More people decided to blog. How many? About 30 on Microsoft sites, 10 elsewhere. Censorship? No. Who else? These guys. Used internally? Basically yes. Results? Slow but positive. Future? Merge Technet and MSDN, RSS gains].

One of the people that Vincent mentioned was Franck Halmaert, whose blog features XaMaLa. Who is XaMaLa? Evidently he/she/it is the mascot for InfoPath/XML, Live Communications Server, Office Communicator, and Live Meeting. That's XaMaLa on the left there.

Naturally I got curious where XaMaLa came from. Is it some worldwide thing to make XML seem friendlier? No, it seems mostly limited to France. Actually it seems mostly limited to Microsoft France. Actually it seems mostly limited to Franck's blog. Although in a post after this article, he says it came from the marketing department of Microsoft France, but it also seems like it's Franck's online alter-ego. Why a black ant? No idea. Does XML seem less terrifying now? Maybe.

Posted by AdamBa at May 26, 2005 06:46 PM

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Wait. This isn't /.
And the link wasn't to his site.

Never mind.

Posted by: Obligatory post about Roland submissions at May 26, 2005 11:42 PM

Nice picture.

Posted by: Ivan at May 27, 2005 02:15 AM

Thank you for analysing where I come from. Your information are absolutely correct. I appeared on Franck's blog in March 2005. But, some scientists recently argued whether my ancestors are apes or dinosaurs: http://blogs.microsoft.fr/franckha/archive/2005/05/19/1860.aspx

To answer some of your questions
* I am a she
* I am a humble ant representing one of the numerous XML tags in an XML file
* I am proud to belong to the ant species, beacause our success comes from the organization as a whole
* My favorite color is orange, so I wear orange gloaves
* I express my feelings because the solutions I support are designed to support persons while they are doing they job
*... and much more Mister Freud...

Posted by: XaMaLa at May 28, 2005 01:47 PM