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February 12, 2005

The Gift for the Person Who Has Everything

I've been meaning to post this...I bought my wife a gift for the holidays that I think was pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.

It was from a place called Big Fun Comics. I saw a little teensy ad for them in The New Yorker (I knew that rag would come in handy someday). What they do is create a custom comic strip about a person or family (or anything, I guess), based on details you provide. The comic can be black and white or color. I chose black and white for that old-time, Pogo-esque feel (also it was cheaper). I supplied a dozen or so facts about the lovely gal I married, and Adam Holzman (the artist) whipped it into a most excellently risible concoction that was roundly acclaimed as the gift of the millennium (so far).

I highly recommend it for anyone. Adam called me several times to clarify exactly what I wanted and get a couple of things for the kids to say (he carefully worked them into a few of the panels). They also framed it and Fedexed it to me so it got here in time. It works for almost anyone: loved one, boss, child, teacher, etc. They also do specials like custom Valentine's Day cards. Sorry, it's too late to order them for your sweetie this year, but keep it in mind for next.

Posted by AdamBa at February 12, 2005 10:00 PM

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