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December 01, 2004

Windows Server Division Gets Jiggy

The Windows Server Division -- my division -- has a page where you can offer feedback. You can all astro-turf this page and say Microsoft needs a great command line in Windows Server. Of course the first item doesn't even have this as one of the potential topic areas. You would have to put it under "I have a visionary idea for the future". Who knew doing something Unix did 30 years ago was visionary.

Make sure you put that you have 12,500+ PCs and 500+ servers and Linux as the main OS. Then click on "Enter Additional Feedback" and write "I've got $1 billion sitting here and I'm lookin' to buy me some server OS technology!"

Whoops, I was playing with the form to see what clicking on "Enter Additional Feedback" did if you actually entered data. Turns out the first thing it does is submit the first page of feedback! Ignore that one, guys (where I suggest that Windows Server should spit dollar bills out the floppy drive and find my lunch if I lose it).

Seriously though, do use this page to submit feedback. Microsoft is VERY concerned with connecting with customers right now. Meaning: everyone has review goals about this. Someone will read what you write! This is a win-win for everyone.

Meanwhile, Bob Muglia, Imperial Head Bonbon and Grand Jujube of the Windows Server Division, sent email today about "Connecting With Our Community" and one of the things that Bob is going to do is start a blog. And he also recommends that employees should communicate with customers directly "through newsgroups, online chats, webcasts, blogs, or the EEC". OK! Does this mean I can blog from work?

Posted by AdamBa at December 1, 2004 07:04 PM

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