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December 18, 2004
Wild Horses
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer occasionally burps up an interesting, offbeat article, such as this one about wild horses on the Yakama Indian Reservation, written by the P-I's horse racing handicapper (I guess that's how you become a follower of the Sport of Kings -- you have a grandfather who says things like "Cayuses everywhere -- you know, mustangs, boy!")The Yakama Reservation is just south of the town of Yakima. About 5 or so years ago, the tribe decided that the spelling "Yakama" was closer to the original, and changed it, but the town did not follow suit.
If you are driving on I-90 in Eastern Washington, just east of the bridge over the Columbia River at Vantage, there is a sculpture called Grandfather Cuts Loose the Ponies, which you can hike up to from a rest stop. Worth the climb if you are in the area.
Posted by AdamBa at December 18, 2004 10:56 PM
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