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November 23, 2004

Imagine Children's Museum

Took the day off and brought the kiddies up to the Imagine Children's Museum up in Everett, which was formerly known as the Children's Museum in Snohomish County.

Quite a good museum, definitely newer and snazzier than the Seattle Children's Museum, although the one in Seattle has a certain funky charm. They've got some of the same stuff -- play theater, pretend restaurant, store (the same stuff every children's museum has) but they also have some unusual things, like an electricity room where they'll make your hair stand on end, and the opportunity to milk a fake cow, and a room downstrairs full of some cool Swedish construction toy (sort of like giant wooden Erector sets) whose name escapes me.

One thing they have is a water table, similar to the one at the Odyssey Maritime Discovery Center on the Seattle waterfront. The one at Odyssey is nicer, since it has the dam and locks (and remains, to my knowledge, the single best object for children to play with in the entire Puget Sound).

Imagine also sells Christmas cards designed by children. Like the one on the left. A 13-year-old kid did that!

Anyway if you have some tykesters, it's worth checking out Imagine. It's about 35 minutes drive from Microsoft, assuming no traffic.

Posted by AdamBa at November 23, 2004 08:26 PM

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