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September 04, 2004

Speaking of Lego...

Last year my wife bought me an Ambassador membership to Legoland. One of the perks of this is that I get to go down once a year, if I choose, for a 2-hour session with a Master Builder, where we build a particular project. Last year we built a figure to Miniland scale (I made a hockey player, which I would post a picture too if I wasn't too lazy). This year the model will be the dreaded sphere. I'm not sure I am going, however.

Since I went last year, Legoland had their Master Builder search and picked three new Master Builders. I was at Legoland in March and I went to the Model Shop, where the MBs usually work during the day and you can ogle them through a window, if you don't mind looking like some lame-ass Lego groupie. Kristi, Nathan, and Aaron were indeed there, working away. I wondered, as I had before, if this really would be a good job. Certainly it's a cool job, and the result of your exertions is impressive. But day-to-day...Nathan and Aaron were sitting facing each other. Nathan was painstakingly working to duplicate an existing model of a car, which involved about a minute of checking and double-checking per piece applied; I guessed it would take him half a day to finish it. Aaron was working on something; at some point, someone else walked up, grabbed his glue gun, and gave him some instruction on how to use it properly. Kristi was sitting further back, at a table by herself, headphones on, face expressionless, working on a model that I couldn't discern. I looked at her and thought of Jack Vance: Margery Liever now sat alone, a vague smile on her face; was she not achieving her heart's desire?.

Nathan Sawaya has a website which shows various things he built before he got the Legoland gig; I don't think he has updated it much since then. Aaron Sneary doesn't have a site I can find, although he does have pages on brickshelf and MOCpages.

Posted by AdamBa at September 4, 2004 09:36 PM

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